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Space Breakout at AFA's Annual Aerospace Summit 2018
Jason Thibedeau of PSRC and Jeff Feige of Space Frontier Foundation presented on space in Washington
Making Washington State the "Space State"
Lynnwood, Wash— Jason Thibedeau, Principal Economic Development Manager - Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), presented the Results of the 2018 Space Economic Impact Study to our attendees. We have an incredible and skilled labor pool that is ideal for building our space economy. Along with our labor pool, we have strong businesses and support from our universities. The national space economy is taking off, and Washington State has the opportunity to grow and be a major part of it.
Jeff Feige, of Space Frontier Foundation, talked about New Space and its future in our state. New Space is older than many of us may believe, and has grown by leaps and bounds since its beginning. New Space allows space to go to places it never has before, with disruptive technology and goals. New Space is the future of space and Washington State is the right place for New Space.

Jeff Feige - Space Frontier Foundation

Lynnette Muenzberg, TLG Aerospace and Jason Thibedeau, PSRC
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