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Letter to Sec. Buttigieg: Don't Delay AMJP Program

AFA President and CEO Emily Wittman wrote to U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on June 1, 2021 regarding the continued delay of the Aviation Manufacturing Jobs Protection program.

"AFA members appreciate USDOT’s concern for a fair and thoughtful deployment of the AMJP program. We too want to maximize the program’s benefit for aviation manufacturers across the nation. But further delay means further furloughs. Our members and their employees need help now," said Wittman.

AFA members successfully advocated for creation of the program in the American Rescue Plan of 2021. The program offers $3 billion in payroll support to aviation manufacturers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and are ineligible for other forms of federal relief.

The letter was also shared with Washington's congressional delegation which championed the program earlier this year. Read more about AFA and Washington's leadership on the AMJP program here.

Read the letter from Emily below.

from AFA to USDOT (Buttigeg) re AMJP Pro
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